Musical instruments- Part 6, Clarinet

    Hi, guys. Good to see you again! Today, I am going to introduce a woodwind instrument, Clarinet. The Clarinet is a woodwind instrument with a single-reed and a cylindrical tube, and it is used in various genres of music due to its soft tone and wide range, especially Bb and A Clarinets are common.

    It is an instrument that controls the pitch by pressing a hole on a straight cylindrical tube with a pad and blowing a single- reed on the mouthpiece. It is the only wind instrument that makes sound by the vibration of air in the closed pipe.

    The Clarinet is the only closed tubular woodwind instrument, so it has a unique tone and free and expressive control. Hence, it occupies an important position in the woodwind instrument like the violin. 

    The Clarinet consists of five parts divided into a mouthpiece, a barrel, an upper tube, a lower tube, and a bell. When the whole thing is assembled, the length of the B ♭ clarinet is about 67cm, and the size of the A clarinet is about 71cm.

    There are various types of Clarinet.There are piccolo clarinet, sopranino clarinet, soprano clarinet, basset clarinet, basset horn, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contralto clarinet, and contralto clarinet. In my opinion, Clarinet is an instrument like a Fairy pitta.

    I hope you guys enjoy the concerto played by Clarinet.

Clarinet usually sounds soft. The Clarinet is an instrument that do the role of the violin in the wind orchestra. It usually plays the melodies in an orchestra.
